By-Name List Referral

The By-Name List is a real-time list of all known people experiencing homelessness within our district. The list helps individuals to access housing and allows for service providers to better understand the experience of homelessness within the Cochrane District. We use this information to support triage to services and to measure system performance. 

Criteria for homelessness is from the Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy Directives.  For further information, visit Infrastructure Canada – About Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy .


Are you, or do you know someone, who would benefit from working with us?  Please see below for instructions on how to access the System of Care:

Homelessness is defined as a situation in which an individual or family is without stable, permanent housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. People may be defined as experiencing homelessness if they are:

  • Unsheltered or staying in a makeshift shelter
  • Staying in an emergency shelter or Violence Against Women (VAW) shelter
  • Staying in a provincial accommodation that is temporary or lacks security of tenure, such as staying with friends or family (i.e. couch surfing) or staying in a correctional institution, hospital, or residential treatment centre, without having a home to go to when they are discharged.

Clients must be homeless as per definition above and must want to receive assistance to access services and supports.


  • Directly contact the By-Name List Intake Coordinator at one of the following options:
    • (705) 268-7722 ext 206
    • [email protected]
    • In person at 500 Algonquin Blvd E, Timmins ON P4N4V4

Or feel free to contact any other Core Partner for the Cochrane District System of Care

  • Make sure to verify the individual would like support
  • Fill out this form (link to Info-Share with Other Service Providers Consent Form), or collect as much information from the individual as possible and email it to [email protected]
  • If someone is experiencing an emergency, please contact 911




Staff identifies client who fits criteria for By-Name List referral; client must be experiencing homelessness (EH) 

Homelessness is defined as a situation in which an individual or family is without stable, permanent housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. People may be defined as experiencing homelessness if they are: 

  • Unsheltered or staying in a makeshift shelter 
  • Staying in an emergency shelter or Violence Against Women (VAW) shelter 
  • Staying in a provincial accommodation that is temporary or lacks security of tenure, such as staying with friends or family (i.e. couch surfing) or staying in a correctional institution, hospital, or residential treatment centre, without having a home to go to when they are discharged. 

Clients must be homeless as per the definition above and must want to receive assistance to access housing services and supports. 


Staff explains referral process onto By-Name List (BNL) while also addressing client concerns, staff explains benefits of being included in BNL 


Staff reviews Information-Sharing with Other Service Providers Consent form with client 


Client signs Information-Sharing with Other Service Providers Consent form 


Staff reviews next steps and expectations with client – client should expect contact from a BNL intake staff within ten business days 


Staff thanks client for their participation 


Staff scans and e-mails Information-Sharing with Other Service Providers Consent form to: 

  • SUBJECT LINE: By-name list referral (source/location) (date) 
  • For instance, “By-name list referral (OW-Cochrane)(September 21 2021)” 

Do not include client’s name within the subject line of the e-mail 


Staff follows internal policies and protocols to ensure safe storage of private information 

  • By-Name List Intake Coordinator to complete a longer, more thorough intake with individual
  • Follow up to be completed within 10 business days of receiving the referral form